Why are your Barrel Bars superior to the OEMs?
Svenson LLC Barrel Bars are manufactured using alloy steel that is through hardened to 50 – 55 HRC. Our Barrel Bars provide more production hours as compared to the OEM’s which use low carbon steel that is case hardened. Once the process material wears through the case hardening on the OEM’s Barrel Bars, the wear rate of the base metal dramatically shortens the production hours the expeller press is online.
Are Svenson LLC Barrel Bars a direct replacement for the OEM’s?
Yes, Svenson LLC Barrel Bars are dimensionally the same as the OEM’s.
Why do Svenson LLC Barrel Bars have only one bevel instead of two, as do the OEM’s?
We eliminated the second bevel in our Barrel Bars because it does not add any real value to the product. The surface on the Barrel Bars exposed to the process does not wear evenly. It is challenging to lock the Barrel Bars properly in the drainage cage when they are flipped to utilize the second bevel.
Why are Svenson LLC Barrel Bars more expensive than the OEMs?
Svenson LLC Barrel Bars log more production hours with a higher oil yield as compared to the OEM’s. The price is easily justified when these two aspects are considered in a cost–benefit analysis.
Why do you focus on mechanical extraction?
My passion is focusing on protecting our health and our environment. Though mechanical extraction consumes more electrical energy, it does not pose the same risks to our health and the environment.
How do you optimize the performance of an expeller press?
There are two areas one must focus on to optimize an expeller press. First, the expeller press must be set up properly for the material it is going process. This includes the proper shaft arrangement, shaft speeds, and drainage barrel arrangement. The expeller press must be fitted with quality parts to keep it in operation longer before it requires retrofitting.
The second area to address is the preparation of the material being fed to the expeller press. Each material has its preferred preparation steps. These typically include cracking and/or flaking mills to reduce particle size, cooking to gelatinize the proteins, and drying to reduce the moisture level.
Preparation may include an extruder, an essential piece of process equipment in a modern mechanical crush plant. An extruder cooks the material while masticating it, thereby, rupturing nearly all the oil cells in the raw material. Moisture is also flashed off as the material comes back to atmospheric conditions. The expeller press can accept extruded meal at slightly lower temperatures and higher moisture levels while processing at higher throughput rates over traditional preparation steps.
What are the key wear parts in an expeller press?
The key wear parts in an expeller press are the Barrel Bars, Keeper Knife Bars, Main Worm Shaft. As these parts wear, the oil yield and the throughput will start declining. They should be replaced when expeller performance falls below the acceptable standard.
What are the benefits of expeller press oil and meal?
A mechanical crush plant does not use any solvents to extract vegetable oil from the oleaginous material. Therefore, there are no residual solvents in the expelled oil or meal. Vegetable oil and meal from a solvent extraction plant contains 50 – 250 ppm of hexane, which is a neurotoxin, that can contaminate the food supply.