Why You Should Consider Hiring a Consultant
We have all faced difficult issues from time to time in our lives. These can be challenging to resolve when there are additional outside forces that divert our time and energy. It is in these moments that an outsider not emotionally attached to the situation can literally be a savior. In the professional world, these are called consultants. This article explains the many reasons you should consider hiring a consultant to resolve the nagging issues that create stress, increase operating expenses, and ultimately decrease productivity and profits.
Recommended Modification to an Anderson Expeller Drainage Barrel
The purpose of this paper is to provide a means of eliminating the need for an Operator to manually clean out the Foots (solid particles with the liberated Expeller® oil) that collect between the barrel rings on the Anderson Expeller® drainage barrel. The OEM’s design has the same thickness from the outside of the barrel bar to the outer edge of the barrel ring. As the Foots are pushed out from between the barrel bars, they must travel to the outer edge of the barrel ring. They tend to stick to the surface of the barrel ring.